Ensuring that the quality of trainings and legislative intent meets contextual understanding for program compliance.
The Standard 5.20 and Family Code section 3200.5 were developed in collaboration with the California Judicial Council and CASVSP. The training is designed for new and existing professional providers of supervised visitation/exchange services including those seeking compliance with the statutory training requirements for providers. The trainings offered are accepted statewide by the superior courts. Please note that an individual’s completion of any of the Standard 5.20 training does not qualify the individual to be a trainer on Standard 5.20 and FC section 3200.5
- The training will be offered through a virtual platform and the registration fee for the training is indicated in the registration information for each training.
- Special rates may apply for groups within an agency or organization but must be arranged ahead of the training by contacting casvspproviders@gmail.com
- Refund policies are indicated through the registration platform and may be subject to an administrative fee.
- Accessibility: CASVSP supports the Americans with Disabilities Act, which promotes public accessibility for persons with disabilities. If you require special accommodations, please contact casvspproviders@gmail.com
Standard 5.20/Family Code section 3200.5 Trainings April (8:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. | Each Day)
The three-day in person Family Code section 3200.5 and Standard 5.20 of the California Standards of Judicial Administration (Uniform Standards of Practice for Providers of Supervised Visitation) are currently offered statewide using a virtual platform. The training was created as a collaboration of the California Judicial Council/Center for Families, Children & Courts, and California Association of Supervised Visitation Service Providers. The Judicial Council is responsible for development and adoption of Standard 5.20 . The statewide training provides a framework to professional providers and other multidisciplinary experts in efforts to develop program policy, procedures, and best practices for successful implementation of Standard 5.20 requirements.
*Access to training information and registration cannot be seen by using a phone. Laptop or tablet required
Please click on and complete the information on this link to begin the registration process for the next Standard 5.20 Training.
Class is full email casvspproviders@gmail.com to sign up on a waiting list
*Read all training instruction information before making payment. Only partial refund may be available
if you cancel.
CASVSP Monthly Discussion and Listening Sessions
The Monthly California Association of Supervised Visitation Service Providers discussion and networking sessions are designed to bring together statewide professional provider, court-community partners, and organizations focused on improving supervised visitation and exchange services for families in California. This is an opportunity for providers to network, explore challenging issues, and receive technical assistance guidance relating to the operation and administration of supervised visitation and exchange services.
Attendees must register for each monthly session. Registration closes one-day before the monthly scheduled session. If you register through Eventbrite ahead of time as required, a zoom link will be sent to attendees the day of the meeting session. These sessions do not have a fee.
Questions, contact casvspproviders@gmail.com
*Access to training information and registration cannot be seen by using a phone. Laptop or tablet required
Link to register for next CASVSP networking event held
Next Networking meeting on Thursday, February 27th, 10 am to 11:30am
Must register to receive the zoom link the evening before the event and the zoom link will close at 6:00pm on Wednesday, February 26th. Don't wait, register now
Advanced Skills Training
The various training and education programs will have different registration fees.
Ensuring that the quality of trainings & legislative intent & contextual understanding.
CASVSP - Administrative Office - (by appointment only)
131 Avocado Avenue, El Cajon, CA 92020 | casvspproviders@gmail.com
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